
It is the source of a great mood! The main task is to re-create the situation depicted on the photo and, perhaps, to complete additional tasks.  For instance, the whole team is required to make a photo imitating a wedding ceremony on the bridge or to re-create a scene of marching soldiers in Vilnius provided on a J. Bulhak photo. What should be done if the team consists of five persons while there are 12 soldiers on the photo? Here the funniest things begin because one needs to persuade 7 passers-by to join photo hunting. Additional tasks might be required while playing; they usually generate extra scores; e. g. if all people on the photo hold toothbrushes you will get a bonus of 10 scores.

This game is a great source of laughter and fun because each team interprets the situation in their own way; there are no two identical photos and at the end all laugh while watching the photos of their rivals.